How to Reduce Your Tax Bill with Tax-Loss Harvesting
Now that we’re in the final innings of 2021, it’s a good time to assess how your investments are performing and how they’ll impact your taxes. Your stock portfolio may no longer be allocated the way you intended it to be or you may have pent-up earnings and/or losses in specific holdings. In either case, you may want to consider tax-loss harvesting, a technique used to help rebalance stock portfolios and reduce tax bills. Today, we’ll talk about how best to apply tax-loss harvesting and when to not do it at all.
5 Ways To Pass Down Generational Wealth Tax-Free
If you happen to be in a financial position where you’re planning to pass down generational wealth, congratulations! You’re in a great situation, compared to the bottom ⅔ of Americans who are living paycheck-to-paycheck (according to CNBC). But be sure your hard-earned nest egg is passed down in as tax-efficient manner as possible. That is to say, if you know your estate and gift taxes well, hopefully you can skirt around paying hefty estate taxes. Otherwise, your nest egg can be taxed as high as 40% at the federal level, plus any estate taxes you may have to pay at the state level! Luckily, today I will share some of my favorite ways to pass down that generational wealth without paying a single penny in taxes!
6 Reasons Why I Invest In Stocks to Build Wealth
A few months ago, I wrote an article on why I invest in real estate to build wealth. While I am a huge fan of real estate investing, there are many benefits of investing in stocks that I also love. In this post, I’ll dive into the top reasons why I invest in stocks to help bring me closer and closer to my $10M fat FIRE goal.
How the Rich Create Generational Wealth Through Real Estate
What's A Mega Backdoor Roth?
If you like your Roth IRA for its tax-free growth, you’re really going to like a mega backdoor Roth! Contributions to a Roth IRA are funded with after-tax dollars and earnings grow entirely tax-free. Similarly, a mega backdoor Roth is also funded with after-tax dollars and earnings grow tax-free but with a much higher contribution limit!
Reaching Financial Independence in Silicon Valley With $10,000,000
Financial Independence, Retire Early, AKA the FIRE movement, has become a major theme among millennials this past decade, including myself. Shortly after you start reading about it, you’ll learn that FIRE means different things to different people. In this post, I’ll give my take on what FIRE means to me, why I think it’s important, and how I determined my FIRE number. That is, how much money one needs to reach financial independence and retire early.
Roth IRA or 401(k): Which One Is Right For You?
I hear it all the time, “Should I invest in a Roth IRA or a 401(k)?” To help you answer that question, first we need to know what they are and what some of their benefits are. From there, I will make several suggestions to help you think about your own situation. Ultimately, the answer will largely depend on your current tax bracket, your future retirement tax bracket, and when you plan on retiring. One thing I will say is that no matter how high your income is, it’s possible for you and your spouse to each use both!