5 Things That Helped Me Retire Early
When I tell people that I’m retired, they usually assume that I came from money, struck gold from a tech IPO, or that I got lucky throwing my life savings into Tesla or Bitcoin. But none of those are true. To achieve financial independence sooner than most, I think that I simply developed certain habits early in life that put me ahead of the curve.
After reflecting on what I did to retire at age 31, I came up with a list of 5 things that helped me accomplish my goal. Surprisingly, not everything on my list has to do with money, so read on to find out more!

Actions I’m Taking During These Uncertain Times
I can’t believe 6 months have flown by since my last blog post! Life has been absolutely crazy for my family and me, having just retired at the end of last year, moving from California to Texas, selling our California home, moving again from an apartment to our new home, and finally settling in and acclimating to the new area. It was exhausting for me to type out those life events just now! Suffice it to say, I’ve been busy as usual. Blogging takes a surprising amount of time to plan and write out content, and I didn’t want to post something just for the sake of posting.
Anyway, the dust has settled for the most part in my personal life for the time being. However, the world economy has really hit the breaks this year, taking most of us by surprise. With out-of-control inflation coupled with the Fed raising interest rates at break-neck speed, investors like myself have really taken a huge financial hit all of a sudden, scaring me into taking action. Read on to see if you could benefit from doing the same!

How I’ll Spend $2 Million Dollars
After selling my primary residence in California for almost $1 million over asking price, I received over $2 million in cash from the sale. I can’t let that amount of cash just sit around idly; it’s always best to put money to work so it continues to earn more on your behalf. In this blog post, I will share what my plans are for the $2 million. And no. I’m not going to gamble it all away in crypto!

6 Reasons Why I Invest In Stocks to Build Wealth
A few months ago, I wrote an article on why I invest in real estate to build wealth. While I am a huge fan of real estate investing, there are many benefits of investing in stocks that I also love. In this post, I’ll dive into the top reasons why I invest in stocks to help bring me closer and closer to my $10M fat FIRE goal.